What we do

we work on the reconciliation of SDG5 and SDG11

symbol for SDGs 5 – Gender Equality and SDG 11
symbol for SDG 11 – Sustainable Cities and Communities

Expertise and methods

As team “CORRINA” we value our complementary competences and use them in our common interest fields housing and regional development. We focus on the specific consideration of gender dimensions in planning processes and in sustainable spatial development. Both Corrina-team-members have many years of experience in applied research as well as in the development, support, implementation and evaluation of strategic programs, participation processes, action plans and as project managers and evaluators in EU-funded projects.

Both also have many years of experience in evaluation and co-development of toolkits for professional practices related to SDG 11, SDG 6, 7 and 13. See for example infosheet 1, 3 and 10.

Applied research


Studies to enhance gender mainstreaming in spatial development: planning instruments and planning criteria for gender equality. For example as partners in the nationally-funded (FemTec-Talents) research project SmartThroughGender+ (2018-2021, = Link to Infosheet 3) or as contributors to an international comparison of planning instruments from gender perspective (2014-2017, chapter 2 in Gendered Approaches to Spatial Development in Europe, Routledge 2019).


Spatial assessment with gender lens


Gender Impact Assessment is a thorough instrument to understand the impact of planning decisions on (gender) equality and spatial justice. 
We offer a shorter form – audits-, and participatory walks as methods for urban analyses and assessement amongst others for municipal and regional planningsteams; for feminist researchers and activists in European cities and regions.



Supportive infrastructure for housing initiatives


We provide feasibility studies, technical advice on low impact housing, maintenance and management for co housing initiatives. We support local and regional authorities in governance addressing civil engagement, to integrate self-managed housing and energy in local climate policies for example through Konzeptvergabe.

See for example infosheet 2, 7, 8 and 10.

Knowledge transfer for professionals and researchers



We developed several didactical offers in the context of a COST-Network on Gender in Science and Technology (GenderSTE 2010-2014). Ranging from Masterclasses for (young-) researchers in STE-disciplines to integrate gender dimensions in the research design and in (EU-) funding applications; to key-notes, seminars and workshops for researchers and practitioners on gender sensitive planning. Focusing on housing, climate change and spatial planning Corrina advises on gender dimensions in research and education, process design and participatory development. See for example Infosheet 5 LINK for the University of Applied Sciences HTW-Berlin for the cluster sustainable smart cities (2022); or our contributions to:

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